My Story

How did I become a mind, body, & spirit root-cause resolution specialist? By learning how to do the inner work, incorporate energy healing, and break generational cycles—I discovered how to practice psychotherapy multidimensionally so I could help you become free to be who you were always meant to be! Because I know how to support you in getting to the root of what has been holding you back all these years. And I have helped hundreds of people all over the world have total transformations—from all walks of life such as celebrities, models, CEO’s, entrepreneurs, and a vast variety of other professionals to stay at home parents as well as children. 

Arriving Earthside

I remember my soul overflowing with enthusiasm to come into this lifetime and how I came from a place of total unity and love before embodying here on Earth. And I was so excited because I knew that I came here to learn all about how consciousness works and to be a beacon of hope and compassion. But after years of mental, emotional, sexual, and spiritual abuse I began to forget the truth. 

Psyche actually translates as “soul”

This is why there is that saying that the personality would never sign up for what the soul signs up for to heal in life. My story is a big story. It is a story of love and light triumphing over darkness. However, this is really everyone’s soul story whether it plays out in big or small ways. We are here to remember who we are as a soul and in that knowing all things can be healed.

How do I know this?

Because as a result of the severe childhood abuse I endured, I had several near death experiences. And each time I left my body and beheld God I received a deeper level of spiritual understanding and a greater resolve to hold the light in the darkness no matter what—with unwavering commitment. Why would I come back into a body and a life that was so full of pain? Because God gave me the ultimate lifeline and clarity of purpose and said to me: “You have to remember how worthy you are as a Child of God and teach it to others.”

That was the game changer!

I decided then and there that I would do whatever it takes to break the generational curses in my family and to know myself as my soul and to guide others home to their authentic spiritual selves. And I came to understand how to see life with soul centered eyes by not asking “Why is this happening to me?” But rather “What is the learning opportunity and how can I use it for my life purpose?”

Putting the soul back into psychology

It took a long time to fully remember as I worked very hard with trauma specialists, learned any and every healing modality I could, and prayed and meditated like my destiny depended upon it—because it did. And I spent many years pursuing a degree in counseling psychology and a license to become a psychotherapist. So that I could learn how to innovate a transformative quantum healing method that saves you years of therapy so you can begin to thrive right now.

The miracle field bridges the gap

In addition, by God’s grace each time I crossed over the great beyond, I came back with the ability to access extraordinary intuitive gifts. And I incorporate these into my approach to help you heal your past much faster than with traditional psychotherapy. Because there is a miracle field where healing can happen in real time—and I can take you there.

Ready to enter the miracle field? 

I offer intuitive readings as an easy entry point to begin working with me and to get to the root of what is keeping you from living the life you truly want. Most people experience transformational breakthroughs in just one short session. And if you'd like to work with me on a more regular basis and move into total life changing mind, body, & spirit healing, I offer package sessions as well.