The Seven Chakras for Beginners

Learn how to master your seven chakras and manifest your highest potential!

Why all the buzz about the 7 chakras?

You may be hearing a lot these days about “blocked chakras” this and “balanced chakras” that. This buzzword is common lingo in consciousness circles and in yoga classes. But the word chakra actually has ancient roots. First written about in the Vedas in the BCE era, chakra is Sanskrit for “wheel of light.” And these powerhouses are the movers and shakers of our energetic system, that keep everything running smoothly. If we take care of ourselves and keep them aligned properly. This is why the Mindful Attachment Parenting approach addresses both child development and chakra formation. Because how can we keep our chakras healthy, if we don’t understand how they work or what they do?

Why are chakras so important?

Each of these seven chakras are connected to bundles of nerves and organs in our physical body. As a result, they directly impact all of our states of being. There are seven main chakras along the spine. To envision a chakra, imagine a swirling wheel of energy or light—where matter and consciousness meet. It is literally vital that your chakras stay open and flowing. A good analogy is your kitchen sink drain getting clogged and not working because debris needs to be cleared. But you can learn about your chakras and become a competent energetic “plumber”, even if you are just a beginner.

Chakra alignment is key

Practicing mindfulness is essential. Because being mindfully aware of what you think, say and do and how it affects your chakras is important. Then, when they become blocked, you can realign and balance your chakras to keep them open and flowing. For instance, if your solar plexus chakra is blocked, digestive troubles or an “upset” stomach might manifest. Wherever there is imbalanced energy, it will be relayed to the corresponding chakra and body parts. In effect, understanding this is the secret to mastering your mind, body & spirit connection.

You can use this chakra outline to get started on experiencing optimal health, vitality, and the life you really want!

Color: Red

Muladhara is the Sanskrit name for the first chakra. And it is also known as the Basic Chakra because its focus is on basic survival and materialism. It corresponds to the kidneys, adrenals, colon and of course the fight/flight/freeze mechanism. When this chakra is balanced, you are grounded in Mother Earth’s abundant nurturance. But when this chakra is imbalanced there is anxiety and fear around things like health, food and money.

Balance and Alignment:
Eating high protein foods and root vegetables like beets “feed” this chakra. Also, diffusing Patchouli and Sandalwood essential oils will bring balance. And walking barefoot or “Earthing” and spending time in nature is balancing. Walking meditations will also calm and align this chakra.

Color: Orange

Svadhisthana is the Sanskrit name for the second chakra. The main focus of this chakra is creativity and sexuality, in sacred relationship to all of life. It is located above the pubic bone, below the navel. And it is associated with the genital area and connects to our brain’s pleasure center. When balanced, creativity, sensuality and adaptability flow with ease. But when imbalanced there can be addictions or anhedonia, creative blocks, infertility or extreme emotions.

Balance and Alignment:
Drinking plenty of pure, filtered water and fresh juices cleanses this chakra. And gemstones like Carnelian and Moonstone and diffusing Jasmine, Orange Blossom or Geranium essential oils balance the second chakra.

Color: Yellow

Manipura is the Sanskrit name for the third chakra. It is located in the area from the navel to the diaphragm. And it is associated with the digestive system, liver and gallbladder. It is the place of personal power. When balanced, you “have the guts” to pursue goals. And when imbalanced, there is low self-esteem and lack of willpower. But when balanced, you feel self-confident and have the drive to complete what you set your mind to.

Balance and Alignment:
Eating healthy carbohydrates energizes and balances this chakra. Also, the gemstones Citrine, Topaz and Tiger’s Eye and the essential oils Bergamot, Basil and Ginger have alignment conducive properties.

Color: Green

Anahata is the Sanskrit name for the fourth chakra. It is located in the middle of the chest. And it connects the first three chakras of matter, to the upper three chakras of spirit. It is the bridge between our mind, body & spirit. And it is the center of love and connection. When balanced there is an even rhythm of giving and receiving. Resulting in overall relationship harmony with self and others. Then, compassion comes easily. But when imbalanced, there is difficulty with relationships and self-love. Which cuts off the flow of compassion.

Balance and Alignment:
Eating plenty of organic greens will help to nourish your Heart Chakra. Using Rose Quartz, Jade, or Emeralds and diffusing Rose, Benzoin and Eucalyptus essential oils will cleanse and balance the fourth chakra.

Color: Blue

Vishuddha is the Sanskrit name for the fifth chakra. It is located in the area of the throat. This chakra is the home of our communication. And it is a place for purification, corresponding to the thyroid and parathyroid glands, which balance hormones. When aligned we speak our truth with integrity. And we have faith in the Divine blueprint for our lives. But when imbalanced, it is difficult to express your truth and there is a lack of faith. Also, when misaligned we may lie to ourselves or others.

Balance and Alignment:
Eating organic fruits nurtures the fifth chakra. And using Sapphire, Solidite, Turquoise, or Celestite gemstones and diffusing Blue Chamomile, Hyssop, or Clementine essential oils help to balance and align this chakra.

Color: Indigo

Ajna is the Sanskrit name for the sixth chakra. And this chakra is located in between the eyebrows and corresponds to the pineal gland. It is the center of our intuition and its main focus is illumination and comprehension. And it is what is known as our “sixth sense”. When balanced, we see the big picture and comprehend all sides. Everyone has intuitive capabilities, but they have to be honed. When misaligned, there can be a false belief that intuition is a gift for a select few.

Balance and Alignment:
This chakra likes to feast on beauty, feed it art or nature for balance. And Opal, Azurite and Lapis Lazuli and the essential oils Ylang Ylang, Clary Sage and Rosemary cleanses and aligns this chakra.

Color: Violet

Sahaswara is the Sanskrit name for the Crown Chakra. It is located at the crown of the head. This is the chakra of transcendence and transmutation because it contains all of the petals of the six lower chakras. When balanced you know oneness with the Divine and others. And you live your life purpose and experience “Heaven on Earth”. Because you are rooted in the Earth and guided by the higher realms. But when blocked, you feel disconnected from the Divine, prideful or aimless.

Balance and Alignment:
Fasting helps to cleanse this chakra. Using Diamond ond, Clear Quartz or Amethyst gemstones or diffusing Frankincense, Myrrh or Violet brings balance. And meditation will align this chakra the best.

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