How to Use Energy Healing to Lift Your Vibe and Thrive

Learn how to use energy healing to empower yourself to live your best life!

Energy Healing

Many ancient cultures believed that we have an energetic body attached to our physical body. And that by addressing energetic imbalances the mind, body, & spirit can be healed. Egyptian, Hindu, Tibetan, Chinese, and Native American healing arts are built upon the understanding that our energy bodies need to be balanced and harmonized for wellness. And now that modern science is finally moving into quantum physics—Einstein’s theory, that every living thing produces an electromagnetic field with a vibrational frequency— is becoming more accepted. In fact, the theory elucidates that all energy and matter are interchangeable and transferable. This validates the fundamentals of energy medicine. And will hopefully bring about a paradigm shift towards healing root causes of pathology, in the West. And what is empowering is that everyone has the innate ability to feel and ‘modify’ energy.

The Golden Thread

The realization that there is a luminous “golden thread” that connects everything in the universe together fundamentally changed me. Because this was a peak experience of my oneness with my true essence and all of life—that which is made from the same fabric as the Divine. It has been called by a thousand different names across different civilizations and time and space. To me, it does not matter what I call it. What matters is the direct experience of it, the vibration of the energetic frequency at which it resides. What I have to rise to, moment to moment, to vibrate with the unconditional love, compassion and grace that pulses through the cosmos. Or what I have to humbly ask to be lifted up to for healing or to be of service. Because these frequencies act like an alchemist transmuting low vibes to higher ones.

“If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

– Nikola Tesla

Macro to Micro

Our physical body is comprised of millions of cells, each vibrating at a specific rate and giving off a discrete amount of energy. Another body made up of energy that vibrates at a greater rate than those of our cells, surrounds our physical body. This is why we can’t see energy with our physical eyes. But we can perceive it with our Third Eye or inner eye. Also called an aura, the energetic body has many layers. From a micro to macro perspective, the energy body is to our physical body what the atmosphere is to Earth. In fact, an aura can be defined as a field of energy that surrounds every individual living thing on the planet. And this energy flows into energetic channels called meridians. Remarkably, the Earth also has these kinds of channels but they are called ley lines.

Meridians are like an energetic thoroughfare that runs through our bodies

This entire energetic system is made up of electromagnetic fields. And they are manifested through frequency waves of light. Moreover, this energy flows in and through meridians that act like an invisible thoroughfare— branching off into many interconnecting pathways. Really, you can think of them as an energetic “nervous system” that connects your aura to your physical body. According to Chinese Medicine, these twelve meridians have many acupuncture/acupressure points mapped along them. In summation, there are 12 major meridians, one for each organ, and 2 channels on the front and back midline of the body.

Energy is highly organized

Energy flows in a specific manner through the twelve regular meridians or channels. And each meridian is a Yin/Yang pair, meaning each Yin organ is paired with its corresponding Yang organ. For example, the Yin spleen organ corresponds with the Yang stomach organ. In addition, there are “extraordinary meridians” that have various specialized functions. Also, some act as reservoirs of energy and blood for the twelve regular channels, filling and clearing as needed. They circulate vital essence from the kidney channel and protective energy fortifying immunity, which helps to keep us healthy . Because this system is like a web of interaction, activating one point can have a ripple effect on the whole system.

Our energetic system is a vast communication network

Energy flows continuously through the meridians carrying life force, moving blood and transmitting information to and among your organs. Sending signals to do things like adjusting body temperature and regulating emotion, the meridians are constantly communicating with the body and each other. Through a vast communication network, these life-giving pathways help coordinate the work of the organs and balance bodily functions. For example, the arm and leg channels of the same name articulate with each other. Thus, by treating points on the communication partner, problems in a given channel or organ can be treated. Meridians flow one to another becoming an integral part of the energetic body’s “power stations”. Just as the Earth’s ley lines flow in and through the planetary energy centers or vortexes, meridians flow in and through your chakras.

Chakras are the “power stations” of our energetic system

The word Chakra is Sanskrit meaning “spinning vortex of light or energy”. We have seven main chakras located along the spine. And just as the visible, physical body has major and minor organs, the energy body has major, minor and mini chakras. But people usually focus upon the seven primary chakras. Because they control and energize the most important organs in our physical body. By acting as power hubs, they collect, store and distribute energy throughout the whole body. They even control the main glands in the endocrine system, which means they profoundly affect us on physical and psychological levels. You can learn to see them by developing your Third Eye Chakra, which is the natural way to have an authentic psychedelic experience.

Energy imbalances and blocks can cause dis-ease

Because if these power stations aren’t working properly, then the corresponding physical glands and organs will begin to malfunction and deteriorate (due to not having enough healthy energy to operate properly). Moreover, they can actually transform the frequency of energy for various purposes—healing being one of them. And as long as energy flows freely through your meridians and your chakras function properly, then, your body can remain healthy. This means that when your body’s meridian system and chakras function well, you are well. Yet due to a number of causes—like emotional stress—your body’s meridians can become sluggish or even blocked. This affects the function of the corresponding organ and ultimately your whole mind, body, & spirit.

Your consciousness and your life

The soul is our “body” of consciousness and the spirit is the energetic life force connected to it. The balance of our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual functioning makes up our consciousness. Overall, the quality of your aura will be represented by the energetic balance of the your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual functioning. Then, it is manifested in the physical world through your thoughts, behaviors and actions.

Try this energy healing exercise:

To picture the chakras and to energize and balance them—try imagining vibrantly colored flowers—with unfurling, fractalizing petal patterns. And your spine like the vine upon which they grow. Next, imagine a radiant, glowing white light at the top of your crown and visualize it pouring down from your head to your toes nourishing each chakra as it flows through. This is a simple, energy healing exercise to lift your vibe!